“CHILE SERVICES MANAGEMENT SA” or “CSM NETWORK SA” is a Chilean – German company, dedicated initially to the shipping, maritime and port areas providing services for national and / or foreign vessels covering the different needs that these have in accordance with the different dispositions regulations, norms and international agreements ratified by Chile for this type of commercial activities.
In its beginnings, the company was born to the market at the end of 2007 exclusively as a provider of maritime services, counting on the experience and technology of both Chilean and foreign personnel. However, with the time going and according to the development of the market demands, CSM has been reinvented, finding itself in permanent search of new technical and operational challenges leading us to venture into other markets such as industrial and land in order to extend and develop our experience, quality and commitment in these areas.
It is the policy of the company to offer its services on time with quality and certification trying to minimize the cost for the client object not to incur practices of “additional costs”, all of which gives us the backing of seriousness and professionalism that the client needs. For this, it has personnel who have been trained and in constant training both in Chile and abroad, in countries abroad such as Europe and Asia.
This challenge is led by Mr. André Quint, Marine Engineer, a German national with over 30 years of experience and Marine Chief Engineer and Superintendent , Commercial and Technical Manager who has the support of the rest of the management and operational personnel of the company.